

Known as the “herb of longevity” in many traditional systems of medicine, Gotukola is a powerhouse for overall health and well-being. Interestingly, its green leaf is shaped in such a way that it resembles the cerebellum of the brain akin to its affinity for supporting key functions of the brain such as memory and what has also led to some referring to the herb as the “herb of enlightenment”.

Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits of Gotkula

In Ayurveda, the herb is classified as a Rasayana due to its age defying properties including the ability to boost collagen in the skin, prevent fine lines and other signs of aging when used in skincare, and due to its immunity enhancing and digestive properties when taken orally for the body. A shloka from the Sushruta Samhita scriptures describes the herb as “Taking a preparation with gotu kola will give a favorable turn to one’s fortune, impart a lotus-like bloom with perpetual youth, unparalleled intellectual faculties, and a life that would cover a period of three centuries of song and sunshine.” When used to make Ayurvedic cosmetics, the fresh juice extract or dried powder form of the herb are used to make Ubtans and Masques known as Lepas.

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