Apricot Kernel Oil (Khubani)

IngredientsApricot Kernel Oil (Khubani)

The oil of Apricot kernel, also called Khubani Oil, is light, gentle and non-sticky and has for long been considered as one of the best skin care ingredients in Indian households. This miraculous oil has emollient, healing, antiseptic, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-aging properties when applied on the skin and hair. The characteristic fragrance of the oil is that of fresh, ripened apricots.

Apricot oil Ayurvedic Uses & Benefits for Skin & Hair

As per Ayurveda, its Vata balancing properties make it nourishing in nature. These properties also make it a great age defying ingredient to prevent fine lines and wrinkles. It also possesses “Ropan” or healing properties, which makes it a good choice for healing irritable or sensitive skin.

Hair fall is mainly due to imbalance of the Vata dosha, and Apricot possesses Vata balancing properties. The Snigdha (oily) property of Apricot Kernel Oil reduces excess dryness of scalp and promotes hair growth and strength so as to maintain healthy hair and prevent hair fall. It is a wonderful natural conditioner when applied to the strands of hair. Intrinsically a carrier oil, it carries herbs blended with it, deep into the scalp, and can naturally nourish and detangle hair without being greasy.

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