Banana Flower Extract

IngredientsBanana Flower Extract

The banana tree is a versatile plant with a host of benefits for the skin and hair. All of its parts can be used for their beneficial properties. The flowers, fruit and stems can be eaten and be used in skincare and hair care, while the leaves can be used as plates and the bark can be used to make paper. In Ayurveda banana is referred by various synonyms like Kadali, Vaarnaa, Mocha, Ambusara and Anshumatiphala. In India, Banana leaves symbolize growth and are used in auspicious ceremonies to tie on to the pillars and to serve food on them.

Benefits of Red Banana Flowers

The flower of the Banana Plant is red in colour and has astringent properties that pacify Vata and Pitta Doshas. These flowers are a rich source of anti-oxidants that protect the skin from free radicals and prevent fine lines. They are also enriched with potassium, Vitamin E, and C, which lighten pigmentation. Banana flowers are used for their juice that is known to reduce menstrual pain and help control Asthma.

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