Potato Starch

IngredientsPotato Starch

Potatoes are a versatile root vegetable and a staple food in many households, both in India and abroad. They are an underground tuber that grows on the roots of the Solanum Tuberosum plant. Potatoes are scientifically known to be rich in anti-oxidants, flavonoids and vitamin C.

Potatoes Ayurveda Benefits and uses for the skin.

Their juice is used in Ayurvedic skincare products as they help to brighten the skin to reduce the appearance of pigmentation, dark circles and blemishes. It is believed that potato’s skin have a reservoir of health benefits so they must be cooked with its skin, whenever possible. This root vegetable is also an excellent source of hydration for the skin. Potato helps to reduce the appearance of dryness by deeply nourishing all layers of the skin and quenching its thirst. Applying raw Potato juice helps to soothe sun burns and has been used in Ayuveda for other skincare treatments as well. They also have important benefits for the hair as they help slow down premature graying of hair and even prevent hair loss.

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