Jatamansi (Indian Spikenard)

IngredientsJatamansi (Indian Spikenard)

Jatamansi is also known as Kantiprada, which means improving complexion of the skin by adding lustre and restoring natural radiance. Due to its antioxidant properties, it helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and increases the moisture content in the skin. It also protects the skin from radical damage, which can lead to the appearance of early signs of aging.

Jatamansi Ayurvedic Benefits & Uses for the Skin & Hair.

As per Ayurveda, Jatamansi has been used to pacify Pitta Dosha due to its blood purifying properties. It is traditional known to boost collagen and maintain natural elasticity of the skin. As a blood purifier, it removes the harmful toxins from the body and makes the complexion even and clearer. Thereby, helps to restore the skin’s youthful appearance which illuminates from within. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Jatamansi herb is used to soothe facial redness and skin conditions relation to inflammation. It also helps to boost healthy hair growth, for stronger and softer tresses. It is a wonder herb for dry and brittle hair as it deeply hydrates the hair and rejuvenates the scalp.

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