Wisdom From The VedasTimeless Rituals Refined Into A Beauty Science Powered By Women
What started as something as simple as finding a humble solution to a skincare problem at home, has now transformed into a holistic science of beauty powered by women over years and years of generational wisdom. Soft, dainty hands tirelessly grinding the freshest herbs of the season in the mortar and pestle, the extra money your grandmother would save just to be able to buy the finest quality of saffron for her beauty recipes, the weekly ritual of hair oiling where three generations of women sat in front of the other lovingly massaging each other’s hair against the sound of ragas. Forest Essentials is a memoir of these rituals from a traditional Indian household, it is a story of these women who have over the years, culminated, refined, and transformed age-old beauty rituals into a holistic science of beauty. The campaign is a window into the past- to a time when enhancement and skincare products were plucked fresh from the backyard garden, were made in the kitchen, or bought from a Vaid’s (Ayurvedic Doctor) apothecary. It captures the evolution of every loving ritual into the world of beauty as we see it today.
At Forest Essentials we amalgamate traditional rituals with a contemporary, pleasurable slant to transform the ‘utilitarian’ into ‘sensorial & immersive’, and craft efficacious Ayurvedic products relevant for today’s Modern Beauty Customer.
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Power Of AyurvedaWelcome to a world where ancient wisdom meets modern aesthetic
Known to Indian physicians for over six thousand years, the secrets to flawless skin, ageless beauty and optimal health have been preserved in one of the world’s oldest systems of healing and wellbeing - Ayurveda.
We at Forest Essentials take the true essence of these recipes of Ayurveda, refine and amalgamate them with a modern aesthetic to provide a pleasurable experience to our consumers. While innovative formulas advance the traditional, potent ingredients; sensuous scents and textures make for a unique and multi-sensory experience.